Goodbye to Alembic

This year is Alembic’s tenth anniversary, and it’s been an incredible decade. I’ve had so much fun building the business and developing relationships with amazing collectors, librarians, and booksellers. But I was starting to feel that it was time for a change.
So I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined Shapero Rare Books in London as the senior science specialist. I’ll be developing the department around the same types of books I’ve always focused on, including women and under-represented groups in the sciences, but I’m also looking forward to significantly expanding the range of material I offer.
My first list for Shapero is now available. It comprises fifty-eight items, largely new acquisitions, and you can browse the full catalogue as a .pdf or visit our science & natural history page to see everything in stock.
My email newsletter is now ending, so please subscribe to the Shapero mailing list — you can choose to receive updates specifically on science and natural history or on any of the subjects we offer, including travel, Islam and the near east, Judaica, Russian literature, photography, art, and modern first editions.
Thank you to everyone who has supported me - I look forward to continuing our relationships in this new role!